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Wild Yarrow Studios presents: 

Western Red Cedar Leaf Oil, 2 oz clear glass bottle


Properties: Antibacterial and antifungal; stimulates immune system, supports lung health and other body systems. This cedar oil offers medicine of strength, clarity, grounding, and boundaries. 


Skincare, Haircare, Wound care. Relieves colds, fevers, headaches, rheumatism, bruises, sore muscles, increases blood flow, and repels insects. 


Magical: Purification, protection, healing, money. love. Used in sweat lodges for cleansing mind, body, and spirit.



Words cannot give Western Red Cedar the honor and dignity it deserves for its multiple healing properties.


This wildcrafted, organic Western Red Cedar (aka "Tree of Life"/"Mother's Medicine") essential oil is steam distilled from the tree’s leaves. This oil has a long reputation in the Pacific Northwest for supporting many systems both in and out of the body. With a strong physical and spiritual background, this cedar oil remains one of the most popular on the market. 


Taken internally or applied externally, Western Red Cedar is antibacterial and antifungal; it stimulates the immune system, supports the lungs and other body systems, and offers medicine of strength, clarity, grounding, and boundaries. Energetically, Western Red Cedar is said to embody the blueprint of the universe. This powerful perfected natural medicinal can help us come back to center, to our own unique soul blueprint. 


Beneficial to the nervous, respiratory, and skin systems this essential oil can be used for many purposes and will often affect multiple systems at once. Our skin is our largest intake and output organ. Anything our skin encounters is absorbed within 26 seconds. Western Red Cedar skincare products are second to none, and that is a personal testimony as well as testimonies I’m receiving from the oil, salve, and scrub. A skin toner and soap bar are also under development. 


Western Red Cedar oil can also be applied in aromatherapy practices with the use of a diffuser, spray or added to a personal inhaler. This oil has a strong, fresh-green aroma with sharp undertones of musk, wood and lemongrass. Red Cedar will slough off anything that’s not part of your true self. This oil is pure magic. 

Western Red Cedar Oil, 2 oz

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