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This Boo-Boo salve applied to the skin heals akin abrasions, cuts, mouth sores, infected wounds, burns and sting bites from insects.


Plaintain also known as "man's footsteps" is highly accessible in gardens, ditches, roadways and highways, sandy or woodland or forested soils.


Plantain is everything, everywhere. It is cooling, moistening, astringent, and anti-mirobial. Its narrow leaves stop bleeding, seals wounds, soothes damaged tissues and prevents infections. 


Plantain is woody sweet to taste and can simply be chewed or added to salads or smoothies....healing Boo-Boo's of all cellular sorts.


Ingredients: Wildcrafted Plantian leaf rapidly-heated as an infused tincture, red cedar leaf oil, organic avocado and sunflower oils, raw beeswax.



Plantain Salve, 4oz.

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