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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Christin @ Wild Yarrow

Wild Yarrow Artworks ~ Healing Art Therapies

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

💜 The name yarrow is derived from hieros, which means sacred because of the plant’s association with ceremonial magic. Yarrow was thought to be richly endowed with spiritual properties, so it was preserved in temples and treated with special reverence. Its healing effect upon the blood is seen as an ability to influence the ‘life—blood’, the essence or ego that is carried in the blood. It is used as an amulet, a charm to protect against negative energy and evil, capable of overcoming the forces of darkness and being a conductor of benevolent powers. It is also believed to be a love charm and to be ruled by the planet Venus. 💜

💜 Wild Yarrow Studios was born out of creative spiritual and emotional expressions otherwise known as Art Therapy. In China, yarrow stalks are used to reawaken the spiritual forces of the superconscious mind. The name Wild Yarrow Studios was chosen to honor the plant's medicinal and spiritual essences. Each painting is an expression of genuine and loving creativity, infused with sacred energies. Enjoy! 💜

💜 The details on selling, leasing or barter can be accomplished through this site.

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Unknown member
Dec 07, 2022



Jan 11, 2020

Absolutely beautiful. Abstracts are my favorite!

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