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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Christin @ Wild Yarrow

Annie's Books: Plant Medicine Cures

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

💛 December 10th, 1992, my son Drew was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer: Neuroblastoma. He was only 18 months old. His cancer was spread throughout his entire body. A grapefruit-sized tumor with finger-like tentacles attached to his kidneys, liver, pancreas and spine as well as throughout his mesenteric artery.

After 1 1/2 years of intense "adult dosage" chemo and radiation, and multiple unsuccessful surgeries to remove the mass, Drew was sent home by the famed Mayo Clinic to die. In his final days, I came across a book that spoke of building up the body's immune system to heal disease. I learned that by using whole, organic foods, organic juices and natural supplements that we could turbo-boost his immune system to fight the cancer. I immediately had our oncologist place a G-tube in Drew's abdomen so we could bolus feed the organic juices and ground-up supplements into his body, bypassing the 'battle' of trying to get a now almost 3-year-old to eat the volume of foods and organic juices to build up his immune system.

💛 I authored two books detailing the pain, the program we used and shared our passions to alert others of their options. Drew was healed within 6 months of starting his alternative cancer treatment!!! Yes, he was cancer-free. His doctors were astounded! His healthy cells had attacked the tumor, destroying the finger-like cancerous tentacles and forcing the tumor mass to encase itself in a protein barrier, forever imprisoned and dying. Because of his miraculous healing, Drew's oncologist implemented, to the best of her ability, alternative cancer treatments at Minneapolis Children's Hospital.

💛 What I failed to realize at that time and while writing my two books was this: When I read the initial book on healing, immediately my heart and mind had total belief that it would heal him because it all made so much sense to my spirit/my higher self. The hope, faith, belief and energy in our household changed from one of preparing for death to one of love, life and inspiration. Today, after evolving and maturing into a deeper understanding of the power of our thoughts and the power of our feelings, I am even more convinced that what healed Drew was intention, positive thought and a belief in what we were doing, coupled with using whole organic foods and natural supplements to build his immune system.

💛 Today Drew is 27 years old; a creative and quirky genius. He is an artist, a keen photographer, a budding filmmaker and epic DJ. Anyone who has had the pleasure of knowing Drew, knows their life has been impacted in a very special and positive way.

💛 I hope Drew's story inspires all of you to think deeply about your heart's intentions. Imagine if we all had the sentiment, desire and intention to create heaven on earth for each individual we came across. Imagine what a world it would be. Much love, A


#1: Drew in his hospital bed the night before diagnoses of stage 4 Neuroblastoma. December 10th, 1992

#2: Drew, Luke and I being silly a few days after diagnoses. I was in my eight month of pregnancy with Luke, and was just told he was breech. His birth was scheduled around Drew's chemo once doctors flipped him while inside me.

Photo is from the night after the biopsy. We knew Drew had stage 4 Neuroblastoma, but the hope was they could remove some of the tumor. The surgery was completely unsuccessful. Drew suffered severe hallucinations trying to wean off the pain medications. We were both forever changed that night. As you can see, I was in my ninth month of pregnancy with our son Luke. We just found out he was breach so I was scheduled for an external inversion the next day in an attempt to flip the baby. It was a challenging time for all of us, but we had a lot of support from friends and family.
Drew & Luke, 1996

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4 days ago

Wow Annie! What an amazing story about what the power of positive thinking and a Mother's Love can do! Thank you for sharing this very powerful testament to the healing properties in our food and what it can do for the human body! I'm so happy that your son is alive and living a full life, thanks to you and your drive to save him!


Feb 15, 2023

Beautiful love story

Amazing what we go through as humans.

The power of inspiration and thought!

Huge kudos to you and your family 🙏❣️❤️ Thank you for sharing 🥰

Big heartfelt Blessings 🕊️❤️🕊️


Jul 11, 2021

Beautiful photos and testimony :) <3


Oct 08, 2020

Annie 😢

I seen how strong you are in your spiritual path w/just your posts throughout time but this is just ....... 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️

Amazing! All that love you carried for him healed him 🙏

Amazing mama ! Amazing Beautiful Soul💚🔥✨


Jan 11, 2020

This is one of the most heroic stories I've heard. You saved your son and who knows how many others, once the oncologist took the torch.

You're a hero. Intention is where the creative force is born. Nothing is impossible.

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